
L’entrata in vigore delle nuove leggi ha un grosso impatto anche sulle soluzioni IT e di compliance. Di conseguenza, l’ASG è in contatto con le società che offrono questo tipo di servizio, al fine di proporre una lista di provider affidabili ma al contempo.

Solutions Booklet

più ampia possibile che permetta quindi di rispondere al meglio e di adattarsi alle eterogenee aspettative dei gestori patrimoniali.

Compliance Tools


CYNOS - Compliance Made Easy
CYNOS AG, Seestrasse 17/19, 8002 Zürich
Tel. +41 52 511 67 82


Pythagoras – Compliance e gestione del rischio

Pythagoras Ltd., Lugano
Nicola Horisberger
Tel. 079 237 06 09



Polixis SA, 11 rue de Cornavin, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. 022 340 22 00

Business Software Asset & Wealth Management












SIX Offer

For more than 90 years, the financial information business unit from SIX has provided the financial data and services the industry needs: high-quality data, delivered at the right time, in the right way. From our core reference data on securities, prices, corporate events, tax and regulatory data, to our flagship indices and bespoke benchmarks, SIX offers added-value services that smoothly integrate with your workflows. We free your time and attention to spend on growing your business.

SIX operates the infrastructure for the financial centers in Switzerland and Spain, thus ensuring the flow of information and money between financial market players. SIX offers exchange services, financial information and banking services with the aim of increasing efficiency, quality and innovative capacity along the entire value chain.

For more information: Financial Information