Who we are

With over 2,500 members, the Swiss Association of Wealth Managers SAM is the industry association for independent wealth and portfolio managers in Switzerland. It was founded in 1986 with the aim of promoting the economic importance and recognition of the independent wealth management profession. As an industry representative, the association is committed to the reputation of the industry and the protection of investors. It is also active in training and continuous education.


SAM as the leading association of wealth and portfolio managers: For a strong voice in the Federal Parliament

As the leading association for wealth and portfolio managers, SAM intends to advocate competitive framework conditions for the sector in future. According to FINMA, there are just over 1500 wealth and portfolio managers in Switzerland. SAM unites more than half of these and is also the leading association for managers of collective assets. With FINMA's approval for the supervisory organization AOOS, which was founded by SAM, the association will in the future be fully dedicated to representing the interests of the sector, which manages a total of around 500 billion Swiss francs. By obtaining SME-friendly FinIA/FinSA legislation, SAAM has proven that it can successfully assert the interests of the sector. 

The number of asset managers is not decreasing, but remains stable. SAM wants to further strengthen the representation of the sector's interests. As a pure industry association, it is open to all market participants - FINMA licensees and persons entered in the advisory register - and offers its members services in the areas of legal advice, education and training as well as representation of their interests. The association also provides support when it comes to selecting system solutions - such as liability insurance, PMS systems, risk measurement analyses, CRM and the like. Service providers should come together efficiently and in a coordinated manner with members via SAM as a hub. SAM also offers a solution for the obligation to join an ombudsman's office. 

SAM President Serge Pavoncello emphasizes the added value of the association's new orientation: "The supervisory organizations report directly to FINMA. Their task is to monitor the wealth and portfolio managers under their supervision. They can therefore neither advise the sector nor defend its interests vis-à-vis politicians and banks. SAM fills this gap: We offer our members independent legal advice and committed representation of their interests in parliament and the administration."

As the largest industry association in Switzerland, SAM regularly exchanges information with FINMA and the Federal Administration on the development of the profession as well as on the regulatory framework and its practical application. With its innovative training platform and thanks to the support provided to members in the form of model contracts and handbooks, it enables them to implement the requirements arising from the new FinSA/FinIA legislation in a simplified and optimal manner.



The Board is the management body of SAM. Its main tasks are to monitor the association's business and to develop and define the strategic direction and objectives of SAM.

Serge Pavoncello
President, Committee
Wedge Associates SA
Laurent Genoud
Vice President, Committee
Eagle Invest AG
Fabio Poma
Vice President, Committee
Wullschleger Martinenghi Manzini Gestioni Patrimoniali SA
Anthony Cagiati
Sound Capital AG
Stefano Fiala
Veco Invest SA
Claudio Mellini
Capitalsuite SA
Marc Nadas
HBK Investments Advisory SA
Anne Thiébaud
Opal Investment Services SA
Jamie Vrijhof-Droese
Weber Hartmann Vrijhof & Partners AG

Executive Management

Roman Brenn
Patrick Dorner
Oliver Maas
Head Global Activities Deutschschweiz
Anne Pratolini Delgado
Head Legal Support
Co-head Global Activities Switzerland
Filippo Recalcati
Head Solutions
Head Global Actvities Ticino
Annick Weizman
Head Training
Co-head Global Activities Switzerland


Suzy Auberson
Global Activities Romandie
Laura Calabresi-Manghera
Global Activities Ticino
Manon Guiraud



Association Suisse des
Gestionnaires de fortune l ASG

Rue de Chantepoulet 12
1201 Genève


Associazione Svizzera di
Gestori di patrimoniali l ASG

Via Morosini 1
6943 Vezia


Verband Schweizerischer
Vermögensverwalter l VSV

Höschgasse 30
8008 Zürich

Job profile

Job profile wealth and portfolio manager

In the context of the new FinIA and FinSA regulations, SAM has developed a qualification profile for the profession of a wealth and portfolio manager. This job profile is based on comprehensive specialist knowledge and industry expertise as well as SAM's proximity to the most important players. 
The profile was defined on the basis of activities and competencies, in particular for the function of the manager of a wealth and portfolio management company. These activities are divided into three areas: Company, Client and Portfolio. 
By publishing this job profile, SAM is taking on a pioneering role and giving the profession greater visibility. The association is also making a contribution to the definition of "qualified manager" in accordance with Art. 20 FinIA.

Sounding Boards

Sounding Boards

SAM sets up sounding boards to enrich the life of the association in the three language regions in which it is represented. The purpose of these sounding boards is to consult the members and collect proposals for the attention of SAM executive management and the Board. In accordance with their purpose, the Sounding Boards are internal, purely advisory bodies. In this sense, they are not organs of the association and have no power of representation.

Representatives of active members who are interested in participating in these sounding boards are requested to contact our regional offices.

Further information can also be found in the Sounding Board Regulations.


Sounding Board Deutschschweiz

  • Thomas Hangartner,
    Thomas G. Hangartner Vermögensverwaltung

  • Sven Mathis,
    Key Advisors AG

  • Claudio Mazzoni,
    47 Heritage AG

  • Mario Pfiffner,
    Invest-Partners Wealth Management AG

  • Stefan Rammelmeyer,

  • Björn Recher,
    Colin & Cie. AG

  • Sabina Weber Sauser,
    Belvoir Wealth Management AG

  • Markus Wintsch,
    swisspartners AG

Sounding Board Westschweiz

  • Oliver Bizon,
    1875 Finance SA

  • Yves Charlet,
    VCT Vector Gestion SA

  • Catherine de Steiger,
    GPM SA

  • Stéphane Gibert,
    Coges Corraterie Gestion SA

  • François Matter,
    DP Finance et Gestion SA

  • Pierre Retord,
    Sept Finance SA

  • Pascal Roduit,
    Citadel Finance SA

  • Francois Siegwart,
    EMC Gestion de Fortune SA

  • Anne Thiebaud,
    OPAL Investment Services SA

Sounding Board Tessin

  • Roberto Andreoli,
    Carthesio SA

  • Gianmaria Bernasconi,
    Aequitum SA

  • Giampaolo Caprotti,
    RGB Consulenze SA

  • Matteo Genovese,
    Amgest SA

  • Enrico Guagni,
    Zest SA

  • Ercole Levi,
    Woodman Asset Management AG

  • Vito Valvano,
    Auriga Partners SA

  • Leendert Van Hoeken,
    Colin & Cie. Schweiz AG