Country manuals

KPMG's country manuals can be viewed via the table on this page or via the Cross-Border-Platform.

  • Access to the country manuals in the table below is only possible after logging in to the SAM website.

  • A personalized login is required to access the Cross-Border-Platform.

On the cross-border platform, you also have the option of taking an online test to obtain a country-specific certificate. You can find more information on this in the "Certification" tab.

Basic Selection

The number and selection of countries was determined in such a way that over 80% of the cross-border relationships of SAM members are covered. The country manuals are free of charge for SAM members, are compiled in English and are updated regularly. The catalogs of countries bordering Switzerland (France, Italy and Germany) are also available in the national language of the country concerned.

Europe America Asia Africa
Austria Monaco Argentina Hong Kong South Africa
Belgium Netherlands Brazil Israel
Cyprus Portugal Canada UAE
France Russia Mexico
Germany Spain Panama
Greece Sweden USA
Italy Turkey Venezuela
Liechtenstein UK


Further country manuals (Visible for Active Members only)

We have negotiated preferential prices for our members with our partner KPMG for the purchase of country manuals of countries that are not included in our free offer.

Other training courses

In addition, cross-border training courses are offered on the training platform by the following training provider: